Bella Vista Spa & Marina Onomichi: Ribbon Chapel 缎带教堂
by Hiroshi NAKAMURA
Designed by Tokyo-based architect Nakamura Hiroshi, the Ribbon Chapel is the most distinctive feature of the Bella Vista Spa & Marina. The 15.26-meter tall wedding chapel was completed in 2014 and sits at the edge of the hotel grounds, overlooking the Seto Inland Sea below. The core feature of the Ribbon Chapel is its two intertwined curved staircases, each supporting the other, just like a loving couple. When two people get married at the Ribbon Chapel, they each walk up a different staircase, crossing paths occasionally, and finally meeting at the top. The journey to the top symbolizes each person’s individual journey in life towards marriage.
But the two staircases are more than just symbols. They act as the walls and roof of the chapel itself, which is a cone-shaped glass room surrounded by the staircases. Realizing such an intricate, yet open and playful design required advanced structural planning. Nakamura’s buildings are known for their use of light, and the ribbon-like curves of the staircases allow light to filter into the chapel at unexpected angles. As the light shifts, the building itself appears to change shape. The Ribbon Chapel also reveals Nakamura’s fascination with natural materials. The chapel furniture, including the altar and seats for 80 guests, is made of wood, and the staircases are clad in wooden planks painted white.
以东京为据点的建筑师中村拓志(1974- )设计的缎带教堂,是Bella Vista Spa & Marina的最大亮点。高15.26米的婚礼教堂于2014年落成,坐落在酒店边缘,俯览着濑户内海。缎带教堂的特色是两条相互交织的螺旋楼梯,象征着相爱的二人彼此支撑,形影相随。在缎带教堂举行婚礼时,新婚双方各沿一条楼梯拾阶而上,行进过程中不时擦肩而过,最终在顶层台阶相遇。通往顶层台阶之路象征着各自走向婚姻所经历的旅途。
1344-2 Oobiraki Urasakicho Onomichishi, Hiroshima
About 30 mins from Fukuyama Station by car
About 60 mins from Hiroshima Airport by car