Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture, Imabari 今治市伊东丰雄建筑博物馆
by Toyo ITO
Opened in 2011, the Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture is a unique venue on the island of Omishima in Ehime Prefecture. Celebrated architect Ito Toyo designed the museum in two parts.
The first building, named Steel Hut, is made up of a collection of polyhedrons joined together, like building blocks. It is based on an Ito design for the Deichman Library in Oslo. Inside the Steel Hut are five separate spaces housing rotating exhibitions, chosen by Ito. Walking through the surprisingly large space can be disorienting—there are almost no purely vertical walls, and windows and doorways open from unexpected places.
The second building, Silver Hut, is a replica of Ito’s former home in Tokyo, which he designed in 1984. Covered with a thin, vaulted roof, Silver Hut is an open space with abundant natural light that looks like it was made to sit on the Seto Inland Sea. Known as one of his early masterpieces, the original Silver Hut was not open to visitors, so Ito created the replica for everyone to enjoy.
Inside, Silver Hut has brightly-colored, triangular skylights and furniture designed by Ohashi Akira, along with a library filled with project documents from a selection of Ito’s previous buildings. A running theme of the Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture is the way architecture and design can help local communities. This is a subject close to Ito’s heart, as he worked with different groups on Omishima to find new uses for old buildings to maintain the island’s heritage.
For those who wish to seek out more of Ito’s designs, the Ken Iwata Mother and Child Museum is just a short drive from the Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture. The spiral-shaped building housing Iwata’s sculptures was also designed by Ito.
伊东丰雄建筑博物馆是一处独特的存在。其位处爱媛县大三岛,于2011年开馆,由著名建筑师伊东丰雄(1941- )主持设计。博物馆分为两栋建筑,第一座名为“钢小屋”,仿佛由多面体组合而成,其原型是他此前设计的奥斯陆戴希曼图书馆。钢小屋内有五个独立空间,被伊东选定为定期举办不同展览的展示区。馆内几乎见不到完全垂直的墙壁,窗户和走廊也总在意想不到的空间突然出现。其空间极为开阔,漫步其中,或许迷失方向感也未可知。
Urado Omishimacho Imabarishi, Ehime
℡ +81-897-74-7220
Admission time: 9:00〜17:00(closed on Monday except National Holidays)
Admission fee: JPY840